Thursday, April 8, 2010

Whose business is it anyways?

I love blogging, seriously I do. I can express my thoughts on a variety of topics and if someone reads the post...bonus. If somebody comments I do a small dance of joy. Who knew it could be so fun? It's like I've made new friends and I'm still in my pajamas.

I also discovered I like reading blogs. I've found a few new ones which I follow quite regularly and my new favorite is

I laugh, I've cried...there are funny posts, touching posts and a mix of interesting topics.

It's such a great way to be able to read so many perspectives on a variety of topics. So often we are influenced by the people in our immediate proximity; for better for worse. I was so happy this past evening because our 13 month old has finally slept through the evening! Hooray! I was quite happy about it and wanted to share my success but I was a bit disappointed as my success story was met with "that's great, now you can stop nursing too", "he's too big to be nursing, he's spoiled", WHAT? really...spoiled? We love those quiet times of the day when we connect and looks up at me with those big eyes and smiles, I know he's happy, he's well fed and chubby to prove it. I am going to wean gradually and when we are both ready. I am guessing he'll want to stop before I do but I think that will be the case for just about everything. Mommy doesn't want to cut any apron strings...

1 comment:

  1. congrats on the your child sleeping through the night and don't worry about what other people say. they need to worry about their own kids! :)
