Saturday, April 10, 2010

Big Girls Don't Cry

It's Saturday night and my amazing child is in his own bed in his own room and I am equally thrilled and saddened. He slept in our bed for months and we would sleep almost nose to nose, we could smell each other, we would breathe in and out at the same time and have an amazing sense of each other. I would move over a bit to give myself a bit more room and his chubby little hand would reach out and pat the bed looking for me. I miss that. I love getting more sleep and stretching out but I miss him in our bed. I am at work all day and often can come see him at lunch but its not the same.
Yesterday I was thrilled to have my own bed back, today I just want to squirrel up and cuddle with him. He needs to get a good solid sleep and so does mommy but it's a hard transition. If I feel this way, does he?


  1. It's funny how different we moms can be. Your cosleeping experience sounds so intimate and fact I actually welled up thinking that I chose not to do that...but I just knew it wouldn't work for us. Our girls were in their bassinets in their own rooms within a couple of days of birth. There were lots of cuddly naps together (sometimes due to sheer exhaustion -- it wasn't worth getting up to move them) but we just needed that nighttime space.

    Now that my daughters are 2 and 4 and sleeping well through the night, I know how true it is when people tell you the time goes by so fast. Would it really have been an imposition to have my beautiful babies sharing my bed for such a short period of my life? I think though that I would make the same decision again.

    I'm sure it's a transition for your little guy, but often I think these changes are harder on mom than they are on baby! Good luck!

  2. I loved co-sleeping, we'd snuggle in and cuddle. I stopped enjoying it as much because every now and again a hand would reach out and poke me in the face, once he hit me so hard in the nose I almost cried because he startled me so much, so it was mostly good but the bigger he became the harder it was to get a good night sleep. I was worried he'd get up and go roaming because he can now swing his leg over the bed and get on the floor. Its been a few weeks and as much as I miss him, I have to admit he sleeps better in his own bed. The timing was right for us, every family needs to figure out what works for them.
