Monday, May 3, 2010

Oh Sleep Where Art Thou?

I am so son finally sleeps though the night but I am still pooped...and cranky. Does it ever get better? Please tell me it does. Cranky I may be able to handle but tired and cranky? Did I mention my muffin top? I am back to my pre birth weight but still fight the roundness of a once mostly firm belly. I hate sit ups, crunches and all that other crap but I have to do something.....maybe belly dancing. HA

Tired, cranky and still kinda fat. Thank God my child is husband is pretty groovy too.


  1. Oh does get better!! I have a 17yo, 10yo and a 5yo...don't worry...sleep IS IN your future :) Enjoy each and every day..even the tired and cranky ones..because they grow up so fast!

    And it always helps to have groovy hubby...I have one, too :)

    I'm a new follower from Simply Follow on MBC! Love for you to come visit and follow me :)

    Hope you have a wonderful weekend!
    ~Shelley @ Shelley's Swag

  2. It does get better but enjoy each day! It flies by so fast! My baby is going to be 4 years old in June! I'm a new follower from MBC - cute blog! You can visit me at

  3. Yes, it does get better! :) Following you back from MBC. Looking forward to getting to know you better.

  4. Thanks Ladies, it was a rough day. :)
